What Is the Most Common Treatment for Agoraphobia?
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder related to open fear or public spaces. Individuals with this disorder often have marked anxiety or nervousness about being in public places where they sang or may not be able to get out quickly. A common treatment for agoraphobia is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), a method of psychotherapy or counselling that focuses on controlling the trigger and symptoms of anxiety. Another treatment for agoraphobia is medication. Doctors often prescribe anti-anxiety medications, such as Prozac and Zoloft. Combined with relaxation techniques, treatment for agoraphobia is often successful, allowing patients to live a normal life.
Anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia are mental health disorders that are most commonly treated with psychotherapy and medications. One of the most commonly used psychotherapy treatments for agoraphobia is CBT. In CBT, an individual is taught how to identify situations or environments that can trigger anxiety. Some common locations that produce anxiety are elevators, malls, theatres, and aeroplanes. Anxiety, when heightened, can lead to panic attacks, and this can often limit an individual's activities.
CBT also teaches patients coping skills to control anxiety symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat, or difficulty in breathing. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques are often used to control agoraphobia symptoms if they are activated. CBT also teaches clients to gradually change the behaviors that are created by anxiety. An individual with fearful or crowded or public places might be encouraged to visit these places for short periods of time while using relaxation techniques to control the anxiety response. Over time, the hikes are stretched, allowing the individual to gradually desensitize himself from the fear of the place or situation.
In some cases, agoraphobia can be so severe and debilitating that it can cause an individual to avoid public places entirely. When anxiety and panic symptoms are ongoing and severe, medical treatment can combine CBT with medications to provide treatment for agoraphobia. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), including Prozac and Zoloft, are commonly used to treat agoraphobia. These medications help reduce the symptoms and frequency of panic attacks, allowing people to engage in daily activities without the extreme stress and anxiety symptoms of agoraphobia.
Physicians and mental health doctors usually suggest that drugs be used in conjunction with CBT as a treatment for agoraphobia. Most experts agree that the drug can relieve symptoms, but that behavioral changes and coping skills are also very important in the long-term management of an anxiety disorder, such as agoraphobia. With the increased use of relaxation methods and self-calming techniques, patients can often reduce anxiety and maintain normal functioning without frequent panic attacks. The key to treatment is to identify and control anxiety so that the patient can return to his or her normal daily activities.
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